PCI DSS Compliance in Metavoxx

This week Metavoxx launches its  'call recording tile' that allows users of our virtual desktop to stop call recording during a call and restart it again with just one click, to take credit cards over the phone.

This feature is ideal for small businesses that don't want to go to the expense and complexity of buying advanced call centre add on packages for their phone system or worse still breaking the law by recording customer card and CVV numbers.

As you will know if you have been following, in addition to the browser phone, Metavoxx also records calls on its mobile apps and physical desk phones, in those situations the feature can still be activated and deactivated using a simple two-digit keystroke. So small business owners can even take card details over the phone when mobile.

As with everything on Metavoxx, if you don't want a user to have this tile, you can simply disable it in their user privileges with one checkbox.

Users have access to call recording on all Metavoxx user accounts and extensions. Of course, if you want to disable it you can, for inbound calls it can be disabled on each DDI, and for outbound calls in each extension settings, so every user and inbound call route can be individually customised.

Unlike many communications platforms, Metavoxx includes unlimited call recording storage with no storage time limits, and at no additional charges. We figure that for our clients, a rich source of data about their business is vital to get the most out of our platform, so we never plan to charge them extra for storing call recordings, documents or CRM data.

So check that your current phone system is PCI DSS compliant today and contact us for more information if not.
Keep in mind that there are many other non-phone system requirements for full compliance, relating to your network and procedures, but on the phone system we have got you covered!